Release Date: Feb 25, 2025
SHELTON, WA – Having access to life-saving accurate monitor readings can prevent birth complications for a new baby at Mason General Hospital. Fetal monitors are used to track a baby’s heart rate during pregnancy and labor, allowing health care providers to identify potential problems early on and help detect signs of fetal distress.
Mason Health is pleased to announce a donation of $63,300 from the Shelton Hospital Association for fetal monitors at the Mason General Hospital Birth Center. This gift is the latest in a series of generous donations from the Shelton Hospital Association for medical equipment at Mason Health, totaling $668,367.35 since 2015. These donations allow Mason Health to continue its Vision of Providing the Best Patient-Centered Care in the Pacific Northwest.
The funds are generated through investments made by the late Arthur Govey, one of Shelton’s most prominent citizens in the early 1900s.
“Hopefully, this will inspire more people to give in their lives and consider making these investments for the future of their families and other Mason County families,” said Shelton Hospital Association President Brett Bishop, whose parents participated in the association years ago. “I do this because I am living up to my parents’ values and morals. When I’m meeting with other association members at Nita’s of Shelton, I feel my father next to me.”
Since 2018, the Shelton Hospital Association has contributed in significant ways to Mason Health; the association has funded ventilators for patients needing respiratory therapy, ultrasound equipment for the Diagnostic Imaging Department, a biometer cataract refractive surgery machine and equipment for surgery and anesthesia. These gifts have had an invaluable impact on the lives of patients, helping them breathe easier, have safer medical procedures and detect medical concerns sooner.
“This type of inter-generational philanthropy is a beautiful thing,” said Mason Health Chief Development & Communication Officer Jennifer Capps. “For the size of our community, this donation is very generous. It’s impressive to know that there are generations of families supporting the District. It’s legacy in action.”
Mason Health, Public Hospital District No. 1 of Mason County is ISO 9001 Quality Management System certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and is a licensed and accredited acute care hospital with a level four emergency trauma designation. Mason General Hospital and Mason Clinic are ENERGY STAR® certified and Mason Health is the recipient of one Practice Greenhealth Environmental Excellence Award, three Partner for Change Awards, two Greening the Operating Room Awards and the Making Medicine Mercury Free Award. To learn more about Mason Health’s sustainability efforts, visit There are more than 100 physicians on staff in 19 specialties. For more information or to find a health care provider, visit To learn more about DNV, visit

Shelton Hospital Association members Don Wilson, Ned Wilson and President Brett Bishop at Nita’s in Shelton meet to discuss association business. The association recently donated $63,300 to Mason Health for the purchase of fetal monitors at the Mason General Hospital Birth Center.

Shelton Hospital Association President Brett Bishop with Mason Health Chief Development & Communication Officer Jennifer Capps