Sustainability & Environmental Stewardship

Practice Greenhealth

2021 EEA Award Logo
Partner for change 22
Partner for change 23
Greening the or recognition 23
Partner for change 24
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Making medicine mecury free 24

In 2020, Mason Health joined Practice Greenhealth, the leading nonprofit membership and networking organization for sustainable health care.

The mission of Practice Greenhealth is to empower its members to increase their efficiencies and environmental stewardship while improving patient safety and care.

Mason Health is the first of the Washington Rural Health Collaborative to join Practice Greenhealth. To watch the MasonWebTV interview with Scott Rich, Director, Growth & Marketing US & CANADA at Practice Greenhealth and Jennifer Capps, Chief Development & Communication Officer at Mason Health please see below.

As a network partner, Mason Health has access to tools, resources and expert knowledge that advance sustainable health care and drive change throughout the organization.

To learn more about Practice Greenhealth, visit

In 2021, Mason Health earned Practice Greenhealth's Environmental Excellence Award. Read about the award in the October 2021 issue of SCOPE magazine.

In 2022, Mason Health earned its second PGH Environmental Excellence Partner for Change Award.

In 2023, Mason Health earned its third Environmental Excellence Partner for Change Award, as well as its first Greening the Operating Room Award!

2024 Green Team Members: Jennifer Capps, Chief Development & Communication Officer, Lori Genson, Director, Surgical Services; Laura Grubb, Compliance Officer; Stephanie Gunter, Pharmacy Manager; Sean Hazlett, Director of Supply Chain; Jon Hornburg, Manager Financial Planning & Analysis; Ashlee Johnson, Culinary Services Manager; Matt Cummings, Culinary Services Supervisor; Kevin Keller, Senior Director of Human Resources; Won Lee, Database Admin Analyst; Patrick O’Neil, Director Facilities Engineering; Trevor Madison, EVS Manager; Melissa McClaran, Employee Health and Infection Prevention and Lindsay Roberts Laboratory Manager.

ENERGY STAR Certification

Energy Star Logo

Mason County Public Hospital District No. 1 is once again announcing that Mason Health has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR® certification for superior energy performance in 2024. This is the fourth year that Mason General Hospital and Mason Clinic have earned the ENERGY STAR, reflecting a legacy of continued energy savings. This year’s Energy Star rating is 83 out of 100.

“Improving the energy efficiency of our nation’s buildings is critical to protecting our environment,” said Cindy Jacobs, Chief of the ENERGY STAR Commercial & Industrial Branch. “Organizations like Mason Health are leading the way by making their buildings more efficient and earning EPA’s ENERGY STAR certification.”

ENERGY STAR certified buildings and plants are verified to perform in the top 25 percent of buildings nationwide, based on weather-normalized source energy use that takes into account occupancy, hours of operation, and other key metrics. ENERGY STAR is the only energy efficiency certification in the United States that is based on actual, verified energy performance.

“We’re honored to earn the ENERGY STAR for superior energy performance at Mason Health and appreciate the efforts of everyone who has been involved in its efficient operation,” said Patrick O’Neil, Director of Facilities Engineering. “Saving energy is just one of the ways we show our community we care, and that we’re committed to doing our part to protect the environment and public health, both today and for future generations.”

Compared to the national median, Mason Health prevents 225.4 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year, outperforming 83 percent of similar buildings nationwide. Mason General Hospital and Mason Clinic’s carbon dioxide emissions savings are equivalent to the electricity usage of 47 homes for an entire year. Over the past five years, the Facilities Department at Mason Health has conducted energy-saving measures such as converting all interior T12 fluorescent bulbs to more efficient T8 bulbs, which use 35 percent less electricity than T12. Also, any light fixture in need of repair has been replaced with LED lights.

Mason Health is a member of Practice Greenhealth, the leading nonprofit membership and networking organization for sustainable health care. For the past four years, Mason Health has also earned Environmental Excellence awards from Practice Greenhealth, and last year won its first Making Medicine Mercury Free Award from Practice Greenhealth. Mason Health’s Green Team of leaders committed to furthering sustainability projects is led by Jennifer Capps, Chief Development & Communication Officer.

On average, ENERGY STAR certified buildings and plants use 35 percent less energy, cause 35 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and are less expensive to operate than their peers—all without sacrifices in performance or comfort.

To date, tens of thousands of buildings and plants across all fifty states have earned the ENERGY STAR. For more information about ENERGY STAR for Buildings and Plants, visit

2025 Energy Star