Mason Health has physicians who specialize in a variety of surgical procedures including foot and ankle, eye, gynecological, hip and knee replacement, and many others. The providers at Mason Health are true medical professionals, giving you total peace of mind and reassurance regarding your surgical procedure.

Mason Health has earned the Go Clear Award™ for its achievement in eliminating hazardous smoke from its surgical procedures.
The Go Clear Award is presented by the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) to recognize health care facilities that have committed to providing increased surgical patient and health care worker safety by implementing practices that eliminate smoke caused by the use of lasers and electrosurgery devices during surgery. Mason Health earned its award by undergoing comprehensive surgical smoke education and testing and for providing the medical devices and resources necessary to evacuate surgical smoke during all smoke-generating procedures.
Surgical smoke is the unwanted by-product of energy-generating devices that are used in 90 percent of all surgeries. Its contents include toxic chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide, viruses, bacteria, blood and cancer cells. Inhalation and absorption of surgical smoke pose serious health risks to patients and surgical staff. Studies compare the inhalation of smoke from vaporized human tissue to the smoke created by cigarettes; the average daily impact of surgical smoke to the surgical team is equivalent to inhaling 27-30 unfiltered cigarettes. Today, it is estimated only 50 percent of health care workers across the U.S. understand the hazards of smoke exposure.
At Mason Health, smoke evacuation systems are in place, wherein all smoke is contained in smoke evacuation tubing that goes through filters so that the smoke is not released into the air inside or outside the hospital. The filter is changed on a schedule and removed in a biohazard bag for disposal.
Preparing for Surgery
Prior to your surgery, you will need a pre-admission clinic phone call which will be scheduled by your surgeon’s office and they will provide you with the appointment date and time.
This is a service offered free of charge and is typically completed a week prior to your surgery or procedure.
This phone call with the pre-admission nurse will help simplify your admission the day of your surgery.
The nurse will gather information, make sure all your tests and paperwork are complete or ordered, and give you information about your surgery day.
Your surgeon and/or anesthesia provider may require certain lab tests, EKG, or scans to be performed before your procedure.
This is typically completed a few days prior to surgery.
- Unless otherwise directed by your physician, continue taking all your medications until midnight the night before surgery.
- If your child is the patient, bring a favorite toy.
- Any crutches or slings that you already own should be brought with you, if your surgeon says that you need them.
What to Wear
Wear casual, loose-fitting clothing that can be folded and stored in a small closet or special bag. All patients must wear a hospital gown at admitting time.
What NOT to Wear - Remove all makeup including nail polish and perfumes before you arrive. The skin tone of your face and under your nails is an important indicator to surgery and recovery personnel during and after your procedure. Contact lenses (bring your own case), dentures, hearing aids and wigs may be removed just prior to surgery. Any foreign object is a hazard during surgery.
Please, No Jewelry. Remove jewelry (this includes wedding rings and body piercings). With safety in mind, it is very important to remove ALL body jewelry and body piercings prior to admission to the hospital for your surgery. Jewelry left on may cause pressure injuries, depending on your position during the procedure. It may also become trapped in a drape, bed, or possibly lost. There is a possibility of receiving a burn during surgery if jewelry is left on. Electrocautery is used to control bleeding and increase wound healing. The electricity from these units can travel along the surface of the body and my lead to superficial burns if contact with metal is made. Jewelry in and around the mouth must be removed to avoid dislocation and aspiration into the lungs while under general anesthesia. You, as the patient, are responsible for having the jewelry removed before surgery. You may return to the body piercing establishment to have the jewelry temporarily removed to prevent damage. For safety purposes, if jewelry is not removed prior to surgery, we reserve the right to remove the jewelry, even possibly by cutting the jewelry off.
When You Arrive
Upon arrival, please check in at the Admissions Desk (at main entrance of hospital). When you arrive at the Ambulatory Surgery Department, the nurse will prepare you for surgery. You must remove all clothing, including undergarments, and dress in a hospital gown. You will also receive a visit from the anesthetist or anesthesiologist. He or she will want to know your medical history and will discuss anesthesia with you. You will go to surgery when all these things are done and the facility is ready for you.
Accompanying Family and Friends - After you are prepared for surgery, one family member or friend may join you in your room to wait for surgery. Waiting areas for other family and friends are located throughout the hospital. They are welcome to use the cafeteria on the lower level, too.
How long will you be here? - Your stay for outpatient surgery usually lasts four to six hours from the time you check in to the time you leave. Variances are caused most frequently by unforeseen schedule changes (cancellation or emergency additions) and by a patient's particular reaction to medications and anesthetic. We cannot predict exactly when you will be ready to leave. We have a surgery waiting room for the person who will escort you home or, if you prefer, we will call that person when you are ready to leave.
After Surgery
If you have had a general or regional anesthetic, you will go to the recovery room to wake up following surgery. We will keep your family/friend informed of your status. Usually, patients stay for at least one to two hours in the ambulatory surgery area after their surgery. However, this is dependent on your ability to meet the criteria for discharge and is subject to the discretion of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. The nurse will give you written and verbal instructions regarding your medications and home care. You will be contacted by one of our ambulatory surgery nurses the day after surgery to see how you are doing. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to ask at this time.
Other Arrangements - You must arrange for someone (not just a cab driver) to drive and escort you all the way to your residence. Drugs, including anesthetics, can alter your judgment and perception and affect your reactions. You will need someone to drive and escort you home to avoid injury to yourself and others. We encourage you to have a responsible adult remain with you 24 hours after surgery.
At Home After Surgery - When you return home, plan to rest the remainder of the day, your body needs it! You may return to work and recreational activities when your surgeon feels that you are capable.
- Do not drink any alcoholic beverages for 24 hours after surgery, or while taking prescription medication.
- Do not drive for at least 24 hours after surgery, or while taking prescription pain medication.
- Do not sign any legal documents for one day after your surgery.
- Have a responsible adult available at your home for the care of any dependents.
- Call your surgeon's office for a follow-up visit and if you have any questions.